Pultruded fiberglass sills represent a most viable solution for civil construction and not only. By now, energy savings serve as an essential reference point for all sectors, the reason why choosing pultruded fiberglass sills confers additional advantage, it also involves living comfort, as well as the efficiency of industrial buildings.
Pultruded fiberglass sills are an excellent solution in both cases, first of all, because they are resistant to atmospheric agents. The comparison with metal elements leave no doubt: fiberglass sills are resistant to greater numbers of atmospheric agents.
Just think about the fact that fiberglass is a material both resistant to acids and bases, but also to high temperatures. In this way pultruded sills are even more congenial in the context of industrial applications.
It is extremely important to remember that pultruded fiberglass sills are resistant to corrosion processes which are typical of stray currents and have an effect on keeping alive aluminium sills. As far as data on aging are concerned, studies have been conducted in fiberglass sills for more than thirty years.
The results have revealed that aging is considered minimum for sills made of pultruded fiberglass.
Another outstanding feature for pultruded fiberglass sills concerns the fact that no maintenance is required. By virtue of an excellent resistance to atmospheric agents it can be said with certainty that the use of pultruded fiberglass sills for industrial applications and others do not compel to carry out external and internal periodic painting operations.
The peculiarity of reduced weight provides a whole range of benefits associated with their use, which is still more performing thanks to a greater ease that can be found during handling operations.
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