We are an Italian company specialised in the design and production of fibreglass thresholds. We also have 5-axis CNC machines capable of handling profiles up to 7 metres long and cutting, trimming and drilling operations.

The window and door industry is increasingly looking for innovative materials that guarantee thermal break and structural capacity, but without sacrificing aesthetics.

Our FIBRA thresholds, manufactured by extrusion process, have the following characteristics:


Discover the variety of thresholds we produce here on our website or write us at info@saimex.it

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Saimex Srl is pleased to announce that our product “Fibra Facade – Fibra in Oslo Deichman Library” has received this year’s Architizer A+Product finalist award in the “Best of the Year Innovation category”!

Architizer A+Awards is the largest competition focused on promoting and celebrating the best architecture and products of the year. It is the most important architecture award internationally, and for that reason it is an important recognition for us for our constant efforts and continuous research.

As winners of the “Architizer A+Product finalist” award, our product, FIBRA FACADE – Fiber in Oslo Deichman Library, will be represented in the Architizer A+Product Awards eBook, a digital resource available to all architects internationally.

We are proud and honored to be able to share this important milestone with you, which we hope will be just the first of many others we will celebrate together!

Learn more by clicking the link below https://bit.ly/3Ez6xw7

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Saimex s.r.l. is an expert in the manufacture of quality fiberglass gratings that can be used in various production sectors, from transportation and mobility to petrochemicals. We have a technical department that will be happy to give you support in your projects and help you develop the product most in line with your needs.

Fiberglass gratings are characterized by:

  • Resistance to high temperatures, corrosive chemicals and impact
  • Insulating properties
  • Light weight
  • Structural properties similar to those of steel
  • Ability to support high loads

In addition, fiberglass gratings have a novelty: the addition of the UV9 additive, an excellent shielding agent, which can confer resistance to solar radiation, allowing the material to preserve its mechanical properties and characteristics over time. These pultruded profiles have low maintenance costs, do not need surface treatments, and can be cut or drilled directly on site using common tools for cutting or drilling.

Find out all the features of the fiberglass gratings we design and manufacture in our website to learn all the details of our business.

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In base a un’indagine divulgato dalla sezione di Pisa del CNR, la popolarità del azzardo in Italia è aumentata in modo significativo.

L’indagine ha rivelato che almeno 17 milioni di persone hanno scommesso almeno una singola volta nel 2017. Nel 2016, il totale era di migliaia di migliaia.

Al giorno d’oggi sono attivi in mercato italiano del gioco d’azzardo 45 compagnie, che hanno aggiornato le loro permessi nel corso degli ultimi 2 anni. Più 47 compagnie hanno permessi attive fino alla fine del 2023. Se 80 richiedenti riceveranno le concessioni necessarie per lavorare, il numero di operatori del azzardo in Italia sorpasserà le 170 imprese.

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Inoltre a questo, i importanti programmatori verificano il creatore di numeri casuali. Abitualmente, questa controllo viene eseguita da un settore speciale.

I sale da gioco che lavorano con software autentici offrono al scommettitore reali possibilità di guadagno. Il applicazione con autorizzazione è una specie di assicurazione per il scommettitore. Pertanto, gli appassionati del settore dei giochi di fortuna possono tranquillamente delegare a questo piattaforma di gioco anche le puntate più rilevanti.

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International Game Technology è stato uno dei primi creatori a intraprendere nel ambito dei intrattenimenti sui piattaforme sociali, quando la azienda ha preso Casinò Double Down, precedentemente elemento di FB. Il sala da gioco conta oggi più di 5.000.000 di giocatori attualmente che hanno la opportunità di divertirsi alle migliori slot e intrattenimenti da tavolo di l’azienda IGT. Il divertimento sui social network consente a IGT di moltiplicare la loro clientela arrivando a un insieme più vasto.

  1. La BetSoft Gaming

Il portafoglio di BetSoft Gaming comprende più di cento e ottanta giochi, inclusi ventuno, roulette, poker video, giochi da tavolo e tombolamenti. Nonostante ciò, l’azienda è rinomata tra gli operatori soprattutto come leader nello realizzazione di giochi tridimensionali “di tipo cinematografico”. La BetSoft Gaming produce giochi innovativi dal 2005 e il suo focus principale è sempre stato quello di sviluppare una vera emozione di gioco di tipo cinematografico. A questa obiettivo, prendendo spunto ai moderni film d’animazione, gli esperti della compagnia utilizzano figure disegnati con genialità e intrecci estremamente creative. Gli eccezionali suoni completano l’sensazione di movimento in 3D.

A partire dal 2012, BetSoft Gaming si è impegnata nella creazione portatile e concernente le video slot multipiattaforma per stare al passo con i cambiamenti e appagare le esigenze del settore dei portali di gioco online in crescita veloce. Le macchine dell’compagnia sono raffinate per la maggioranza delle app per dispositivi mobili in utilizzo e vanno avanti in modo fluido sui smartphone degli clienti, garantendo la stessa qualità cinematografica. Il produttore di contenuti tridimensionali di notorietà globale è attivo altresì nel ambito del scommesse in monete virtuali. L’inclusione con una serie di casinò bitcoin di successo ha autorizzato a BetSoft di includere quest’area in rapida crescita dei giocatori più avanzati. L’azienda partecipa regolarmente alle più importanti fiere e conferenze sul gioco d’azzardo online, presentando i suoi nuovi capolavori a un vasto pubblico.

  1. Evolution

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L’azienda Evolution (ex Evolution Gaming) è un primatista di settore acclamato nelle proposte di sala da gioco con croupier in diretta. Fondata nel anno 2006, l’azienda si è velocemente divenuta famosa e nei primi anni della sua attività ha concluso intese con i principali operatori del mercato del scommesse online. Nel anno 2010 l’azienda è stata designata Provider di programmi per casinò dal vivo dell’anno solare e Software Emergente dell’anno corrente da EGR, consolidando la sua notorietà di innovatore europeo nello sviluppo di creazioni di gioco per casinò in diretta. Evolution è ancora adesso in crescita veloce.

L’azienda Evolution ha ricevuto permessi e certificazioni dai importanti istituzioni di regolamentazione del gioco d’azzardo, inclusi la AGCC e le Autorità del Gioco del UK e del Belgique. Incorporare i giochi di Evolution Gaming in ogni casinò significa fornire agli utenti materiali di grande qualità che adempiamo a gli standard internazionali.

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Titanbet è orgogliosa del suo pluripremiato team di supporto, che garantisce ai giocatori un’assistenza proattiva e affidabile. Il gruppo di assistenza è disponibile 24 ore su 24 per rispondere a qualsiasi domanda o questioni tecniche tramite live chat, posta elettronica o numero telefonico.

  1. 32Red Casino

32Red Casinò è un piattaforma di gioco su internet altamente acclamato e fa parte del Gruppo Kindred Plc. Che amministra differenti marchi di fama nel settore. È permesso dal governo di Rock of Gibraltar e dalla Gambling Commission del Regno Britannico, che assicurano i più elevati parametri di gestione e controlli periodici. I suoi marchi, tra cui 32® e 32Red®, sono registrati. In appartenente alla GBGA (Gibraltar Betting and Gaming Association), 32Red si impegna alla definizione delle direttive di gioco online. L’azienda è felice del suo supporto ai clienti cordiale e mette a disposizione contatti per le richieste di informazioni.

Come possiamo distinguere il applicazione di gioco originale da quello imitazione

Appena ci si affeziona di un casinò “non regolamentato”, è consigliabile controllare se il applicazione genuino che impiega è quello adeguato. È elementare. Come già menzionato, il programma genuino ha un proprio server: questo è il sintomo principale che permette di individuare agevolmente l’autentico dal falso. Per convalidare, è obbligatorio recarsi alla prova di una specificata macchina da gioco, poi nella interfaccia di apertura del gioco si dovrebbe recarsi ai parametri di Adobe Flash Player. Qui è possibile osservare l’URL da cui viene scaricato il gioco. Di norma, già dal nome del server si capisce se si tratta dell’autentico o meno.

Un ulteriore indizio che permette di distinguere facilmente il applicazione è il download di giochi di creatori diversi dal uguale servizio. Se questo accadimento viene rilevato in un casinò online, allora il applicazione con cui opera è certamente imitazione.

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The Saimex Srl company specializes in the production and sale of structural profiles in composite material – Wood Fiber and Glass Fiber – and in particular in the production of THRESHOLDS and parts of windows in FIBERGLASS, exploiting the properties of the material of thermal insulation (lambda value (λ) = 0.25) and resistance to loads up to 1000 kg.

Saimex profiles, thanks to their insulating structure due to the composite material they are made of and the thermal break, are used as thresholds for tile-and-slide systems and as structural parts of windows and doors.

We are one of the leading manufacturer companies of GLASS FIBRE THRESHOLDS for WINDOWS for the most important European brands.


Among the main features of Saimex fiberglass THRESHOLDS:

• Thermal insulation

• Mechanical properties comparable to steel

• 100% waterproof

• Total absence of maintenance; since Saimex thermal break windows and doors are resistant to the outside, it guarantees less maintenance costs on the final product.

• High resistance to corrosion and sea water

• Resistance to salt mists

• Anti-condensation

With Saimex fiberglass profiles it is also possible to prevent or eliminate thermal bridges.


The company Saimex srl is also highly specialized in the realization of COMPLEX SECTIONS AND CUSTOM PROFILES, and we will be happy to give you support with your projects.

Saimex s.r.l. has in fact a technical office always available to listen and meet your needs. Our team of engineers has a long experience in the design and structural calculation of fiberglass profiles for windows and thresholds for sliding windows.

We have also developed a type of smooth surface finish that does not require further coating, or the application of a protective film and we offer the possibility to choose from a wide range of RAL colors and metallic colors.


Thanks to the thermal properties of composite materials, the doors, windows and thresholds for tile-and-slide systems in fiberglass are important for the energy insulation of homes and buildings and for the Casaklima project which allows buildings to save energy (by reducing consumption) and economical to sustain themselves.

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Saimex s.r.l., based in Seregno, in the Italian province of Monza e Brianza, provides consulting, engineering and research services in the pultrusion process field. Not only that but we are constantly involved in technical research and in studying components to test the quality of the pultruded profiles in order to determine their efficiency in given production contexts. This experimental policy is implemented through our association with Italian universities like the Milan Politecnico and the IUAV University in Venice, as well as international universities such as the Shanghai Polytechnic, developing innovative products like the double flange beams.

We have a highly specialised staff of civil engineers, trained to develop fibreglass pultruded profiles, specified down to the smallest detail, with the primary aim of meeting the wide range of needs that characterise the projects of our customers. At the same time, we have implemented a highly structured consulting service. This aims to define and identify the most suitable type of pultruded profiles for the specific industry also on the basis of the tightness and thermal or electrical insulation required. The true professionalism of the Brianza-based company, together with the experience gained over many years has enabled us to assess and meet the demands of a number of different production areas, including the petroleum and building fields as well the transport industry and the manufacture of door & window frames, rainscreens and curtain walls.

In our research facilities, we constantly study the composite materials enriched with glass or carbon fibre and the pultrusion process, in order to define them according to the benefits they bring and to their quality. We continue to pursue our clear mission to proactively improve the production areas that the constituent parts we handle are adopted in. A number of the studies and publications made by our staff concern the applications of our structural pultruded profiles. Days of study are set aside to focus exclusively on these products.

Our distribution network covers Italy and Europe and when we participate in projects in partnership with international organisations, we also extend outside Europe.

The dynamic nature of our team means we can come into contact with physically distant organisations when it comes to experimental activities that often turn into real practical applications. One of the most successful of these is the partnership with AnsaldoBreda for the construction of the Los Angeles metro.

The innovation and experimentation of Saimex s.r.l. in its pultrusion processes and in its fibreglass profiles is a real strong point of the manufacturing methods we have implemented and, at the same time, aims to expand our know-how in that methodology.

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Saimex s.r.l. is located in Seregno, the Italian province of Monza e Brianza, and manufactures high and medium strength structural pultruded profiles and bars in composite materials of organic resins reinforced with glass or carbon fibres. This blend of constituent materials provides superior qualities that make for a particularly high-performance product to be used in a number of different production sectors, as an alternative to the traditional models. Our pultrusion process means we can obtain a wide variety of profiles for our extensive catalogue listings, supplemented by custom profiles made to meet the needs of the client. The Brianza-based company also manufactures other parts for use in a wide range of applications and production areas.

Resin sheet piles

The Saimex catalogue of innovative solutions is very extensive and also includes the manufacture of resin sheet piles, which are being widely used to replace traditional sheet piling. These elements are very important in constructions because they are required to guarantee support and containment.

Developed and manufactured to the most innovative design standards, processing of this kind makes it possible to achieve excellent performance and tightness, with the added advantage of being very light, even on contact with water.  At Saimex, we are well aware of the benefits of these constituent materials, which is also why we have entered into a partnership with the IUAV University in Venice to complete a study listing the functional qualities of the pultruded sheet piles in glass fibre, including the fact that our fibreglass sheet piles are up to five times lighter than steel piling.

One advantage of this is a drop in transport costs. Not only that but the composite fibre and carbon materials will not corrode even in contact with water.

The ideal applications for these kinds of sheet piles include the building industry and infrastructures, and our sheet piles are also part of the MOSE flooding protection system in Venice. What’s more, we have developed two different models: Heavy Duty Sheet Piling which can be sunk down to more than 12 metres, and has the same characteristics as steel, and Light Duty Sheet Piling which can be sunk down to 6 metres and replaces wood and PVC piles to create attractive barriers.

 IPE double flange beams

We manufacture fibreglass double flange beams that very effectively develop the characteristics of our structural pultruded profiles.Their double-T shape improves elasticity, making them stable even when placed in torsion and as a result they are particularly suitable for large structures.

These elements can be used for a wide range of different applications, including, in addition to the construction and transport industries, the chemical and physical sector and doors & windows and outside walls, with the proposal of products such as the Isoldeck paving system, gratings, handrails and floorboards, and roof and skirt panels.

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Saimex s.r.l. has its registered offices in the municipality of Seregno, the Italian province of Monza e Brianza and specialises in the manufacture of high and medium strength structural pultruded profiles. Components of this kind are now considered to be more ideal and cost-effective than steel and are preferable to steel in certain industrial areas. Specifically, this method is based on a continuous process of manufacturing composite materials reinforced with glass or carbon fibres. It involves the extrusion of constant cross-sectional and complex profiles pulled through a closed die where the resin undergoes polymerisation, to obtain profiles that provide better guarantees than steel and stainless-steel profiles in certain fields of application. Several benefits can be obtained, including customisation and, subsequently, the repeatability and reproducibility of each product.  Moreover, despite the slow machining and manufacturing process, less energy is required for this than to make the same profiles in aluminium.

Many years of experience and specific expertise in the pultrusion process have enabled the Brianza-based company to stand out in terms of the use of cutting-edge structural elements, which offer higher performance and resistance standards than those generally provided by traditional materials. We have a staff of highly competent civil engineers working in our innovative testing facilities who specialise in research into composite materials. They can develop and offer the most innovative solutions aimed at:

  • improving the performance of pultruded bars, profiles, sheet piles, IPE double flange beams and the Decksystem Plank panels that we manufacture;
  • identifying and testing new composite materials and new fibres;
  • exploring the characteristics of the materials and testing their resistance thresholds

Our wide range of proposals has made it possible for us to forge associations and partnerships with transport and public transit companies in Italy and abroad that are looking for products to boost the reliability and safety of their vehicles and trains. This is exactly what our fibreglass pultruded parts provide, with the additional guarantee of electrical insulation. We also work with the building industry for the supply of rainscreen cladding and curtain walls, where the fibreglass pultrusions assure thermal insulation.

In addition to our comprehensive range of products, we have also succeeded in consolidating our position across national borders, establishing ourselves in countries such as the United States through the supply of assembly components to the Los Angeles metro trains.

Still, the Saimex s.r.l mission is also to disseminate the results of our research throughout the academic field.

From the outset, the quality of our solutions triggered the approval of a growing number of customers who approached us because they recognise our professionalism and dedication to the processing methods adopted.

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The use of pultruded profiles is becoming increasingly widespread both for solutions in the private building sector and constructions in the aeronautical and petroleum sector. In all this it is useful to keep it together the advantages that can derive from choosing the pultruded profiles. They are now being used very extensively as solutions for replacing steel, in order to build shelters.

Whether small-sized shelters are built or much wider shelters have been chosen, such as those that can be seen in railway stations, the context does not change. For sure there is a substantial improvement in pultruded profiles that will be appreciated, as far as the resistance to atmospheric agents is concerned. This is essential to pursue overall efficiency, when designing a shelter which is by its very nature much exposed to the elements.

Among the advantages of pultruded profiles for the construction of shelters there is also lightness that can be appreciated especially if you opt for fiberglass profiles, about five times lighter than steel.

It should not be overlooked the possibility to manage everything, including a minor maintenance which will bring about a cheaper price. Furthermore, it is possible to choose a final colour easily. This is an important advantage for a shelter, a structure that should harmonize with the environment irrespective of its size, when using pultruded fiberglass profiles.

Steel has run its course with regard to many solutions, as well as the construction of shelters that can be set up thanks to pultruded profiles, keeping efficiency at the forefront, which ranges from a easier handling on the construction site to the possibility of managing the structure in the fastest and easiest way, without the need for all maintenance operations that it is instead required by steel.

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Pultruded profiles have been started to be used in the building sector for some time now, but also for the construction of infrastructures related to the oil and railway sector. Steel has been replaced by pultruded profiles, because their durability is longer, but also for whatever it may concern the lightness, the aesthetics and ease of management on the construction site. In this regard, it is good to specify something in relation to the cut mode of pultruded profiles.

When working on a construction site and there is the need of manipulating a pultruded profile by cutting or boring it, the reference to be considered are diamond blades. Having said this, a basic specification is necessary to understand how is it possible to handle pultruded profiles in practical terms and exploit all the advantages compared to steel, we can go deeper into the details of other technical specifications, by pointing out that pultruded profiles can’t be neither bent nor curved.

With a sigma under tension corresponding to 240 Mpa, pultruded profiles have been designed for specific calculation programs, always starting with orthotropic data. When speaking about technical features of pultruded profilesand cutting mode it’s important to remember their resistance when using diamond blades. At this regard it is possible to make reference to data corresponding to 3000 Mpa.

The pultruded profile is a brittle material for all intents and purposes,but able to withstand extreme temperatures. In this case it’s possible to have a range included between – 40°C and +180°C. When taking into consideration the thermal insulation, a peculiarity that determines the success of pultruded profiles compared to steel, it is possible to gain a full picture describing the revolution that the pultruded profile has been brought to many sectors with considerable advantages both for the work of designers and for the end user who has to bear the costs and for the environment.

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